Tales of the Green Jinn is a series of novels that takes a mystical walk on the side of science fiction. They are action-packed adventures with adult themes and situations. They are certainly not for the faint of heart. These science fiction novels are as much works of mystical fantasy. So buckle yourself down and get ready for a rough ride into the future.
Dragon Eyes is Book 1 of the series.
The highly acclaimed saga of the Five Moons continues as Dragon Eyes carries this action-packed adventure into the future. Dragon Eyes is a mystical walk on the wild side of science fiction. But the real heart of this story actually began long ago…
A thousand years ago, I was a very gifted seer. Now I am starting over, determined to do to Evil what I had failed to do before. But where could I be the one who stood against evil and made a difference? Then the Council of the Crescent Moon saw a vision of the Green Jinn. So, I tested the heart of the man who was to become the ship’s captain.
As I recall, it all started with a dream. I awoke from that dream only to find that we had a mission the Five Moons could not handle. In secret, my father brought me to a whole new ship — the Green Jinn. Everything about the Green Jinn was an illusion, and nobody knew that she even existed. Admiral Dallas Blake made me captain of the Green Jinn. I am Chon ko Gonin.
So it was that the Green Jinn began its first mission – to hunt down the worst interplanetary crime boss that ever existed. David Zharn was so far beyond evil that even Admiral Johnson herself could not nail this scum, but we would not let Admiral Johnson down. It all started out with the best of intentions. That is when everything went sideways.
Dragon Eyes was published January 20, 2017 by Double Dragon Publishing
Dragon Eyes on Amazon as Kindle, Paperback or AudioBook
Sibyls’ Orb is Book 2 of the series.

Dragon Eyes began this bold science fiction adventure, but Sibyls’ Orb drags you inexorably into the beating heart of this mystical walk on the wild side of science fiction…
The road to hell is surely paved with good intentions. Just ask Chon Ko Gonin, Captain of the Green Jinn. He would definitely agree with that. With the best of intentions, the Green Jinn ventured into unexplored territory in search of a wanted interplanetary criminal, David Zharn.
Right from the start, the Green Jinn found itself dragged into a battle to save an ancient people from the Merc invaders hiding in the unexplored territory since the Corporate War more than 40 years ago. Right from the start, ancient forces of good, and evil fought for control of Sibyl’s Orb and dragged Chon Ko Gonin into the middle of it.
Sibyl’s Orb was the key that would unlock the mysteries that lay before him, but finding it and saving it would test his strength, and cunning to its limits. However, Sibyl’s Orb would not be his only challenge on this mission. Beyond the orb was an ancient evil.
A thousand years ago, I was a very gifted seer. I was Evil’s worst nightmare. So Evil set a plan in motion to kill me. His minions did not know Evil’s whole plan. They only knew their own parts in it. He used that fact to trap me. But in the end, I saw my own demise, and there was no way out. I was doomed. So, I recorded my own moon and hid it away, where Evil would never find it.
My love, Arowin, felt in his heart the second of my end. To the end of his days did he search for me. Our loving son picked up the task that had outlived his father. My beloved son, Iisax, followed the clues that his father had left for him, but Iisax’s days were also numbered. It was Shirazad, Iisax’s daughter, who found the moon that I had hidden away nearly a thousand years before her. It was Shirazad that handed my moon over to the Council of the Crescent Moon. It was the Council that set my moon free.
And so now, here I am. I am Destiny. I would find Ojunta and finish this once and for all. But this unexplored territory was full of more secrets as I was to find out. And this ancient evil had taken yet another unexpected turn.
But this unexplored territory was about to give up yet another secret from the past, an old foe of unequaled skill and cunning — the man who gave the orders to kill Admiral Dallas Blake’s whole family.
Buy this Novel from your favorite bookseller through Amazon or on Kobo or on Barnes&Noble or Apple iBooks . The Paperback is available at Amazon.
- ISBN-10: 1-77115-396-2
- ISBN-13: 978-1-77115-396-6
- Genre: Science Fiction/Dark Fantasy
- File Size: 1106 KB
- Print Length: 254 pages
- Publisher: Double Dragon eBooks (January 30, 2018)
- Publication Date: January 30, 2018
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
- Language: English
- ASIN: B079G3KWH8
- Paperback: 204 pages
- Published: (March 12, 2018)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1986478173
- ISBN-13: 978-1986478175
Sibyl’s Orb on Amazon as Kindle or Paperback
Available in many eBook formats at Smashwords
Paperback Version at Amazon
Sibyl’s Orb AudioBook on Amazon
The Ojunta Stone is Book 3 in the series.
Dragon Eyes began this bold science fiction adventure. Then Sibyls’ Orb dragged you inexorably into the beating heart of this mystical walk on the wild side of science fiction. But now, this twisted tale of mystical intrigue will weave your mind forever into The Ojunta Stone.
It all began forty years ago, during the Anoza Rebellion, when the rebels abandoned an anoza science officer and his team on the human world, Galatea. To their horror, they discovered the unspeakable evil that had been done there by their own people, anoza. But evil begets evil. Before the day was done, the rebels had killed one of their own and left the rest to die. So it was, in his despair, that the Ojunta Stone found him. So it was, that the science officer, a good man, became ensnared in the ancient evil… consumed by it.
Forty years later, on a distant anoza world, a meeting was held of Council of the Crescent Moon in the Temple of Shem Kazat. Seven times they circled the sacred fire. Incense rose unto the heavens. When the power of them was full, within the Sibyl’s Orb, only a brief vision was seen to give Toron, the smallest of clues, to hunt down this ancient evil. But the vision was of a time and place forty years in the past. How could that possibly help him now?
Toron had survived the Anoza Rebellion’s best attempt to kill him, but this time he found himself wound full-up into the same intrigues with a new face. This time, he faced an even more cunning opponent who had cheated death and hid amongst his people for the past forty years.
But Captain Chon Ko Gonin and the crew of the Green Jinn had already unknowingly joined this quest. They thought they were hunting down a pair of criminals guilty of the most unspeakable war crimes, but quickly found themselves embroiled by the same ancient evil of the Ojunta Stone.
This time, only the Dragon Warrior could save them, but to do that, he must first find the Alchemist of the Cozmos to discover the secret of the stone. Then, he must find a golden butterfly and a silver dragonfly. But Ojunta was not about to be so easily defeated.
No matter what the outcome, you will be left to ask yourself; Is this magic or is this science? After all, quantum physics is not exactly what any sane person would call ‘logical’ now; right? So, you had better be prepared as The Ojunta Stone pushes that thought to its limits and severely tests the boundaries of belief. After all, this is science fiction, not fantasy… or is it?
Ojunta Stone on Amazon as a Kindle or Paperback
Available in many eBook formats at Smashwords
Ojunta Stone as an audio book at Audible.com
- Paperback
- ISBN-10: 1728950864
- ISBN-13: 978-1728950860
- Kindle Version
- Publisher: Double Dragon eBooks (September 11, 2018)
- Publication Date: September 11, 2018
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
- Language: English
Aeon Event is Book 4 of this series.

Dragon Eyes began this bold science fiction adventure. Then Sibyls’ Orb dragged you inexorably into the beating heart of this mystical walk on the wild side of science fiction. But now, this twisted tale of mystical intrigue weaves your mind forever into Aeon Event.
I am Chon ko Gonin, Captain of the Green Jinn. They call me the Dragon Warrior for a reason – I am Evil’s worst nightmare. I am Recon, the tip of the spear. Fate sends me where angels fear to tread. I am no damned angel. Then the desperate plea came in from Kianori on a distant world beyond the farthest reaches of the Union frontier. Even worse, she couldn’t tell us where she was, but that was just the beginning of our woes.
My name is Phoebe. With the help of the Council of the Crescent Moon and my time-space orb, we reached across the vastness of space to find Kianori. Even so, we would have failed but for the quantum power of our Dragon Warriors.
Kianori’s people had come under attack by the Jatarians, evil reptilian creatures from the Gates of Hell. Red, green, yellow and blue, these evil reptiles looked like gargoyles from your worst nightmare. Screeching and howling, they killed their way forward. Even worse, they killed the people only to eat them. To the evil Jatarians, humanoid creatures were nothing more than food. There was no reasoning with the Jatarians. They only take prisoners to eat them later. It was my duty to stop them. I swore an oath to protect and defend the people and that is damned well what I will do. I am Recon flesh and Recon bone.
Akila is my name. I am a Dragon Warrior, but not like Chon. I was marked with a silver dragonfly. Even so, I wonder how I ever got dragged into all of this but dragged in I am. Between the quantum portals and the Anoza Mysticism my head is spinning. But science or not, one more time, I was dragged into the whirling vortex of a battle with the worst evil creatures I have ever seen.
Then, in a dream, Fate called me one more time. He sent all of the Dragon Warriors down into the heat of battle with the evil screaming Jatarians to save one little pair of eyes staring out from behind her hide. He may have sent us all, but this time, Fate called me. He sent me to save little Leah. He sent me to pick her up and carry her back to the Green Jinn. From that moment on, I loved her as my own, and she loved me. For me, saving Leah changed everything.