Evil men conspired to have a starship destroyed to hide the evil they had done. They intended for its crew to disappear forever without a trace. They flew an unmarked ship into space docks and marked it for destruction. They thought that was the end of it, but in all of that chaos, the anoza found me. They chose me to save the Five Moons. I didn’t know any of that when I bought a ship that was never meant for sale. I didn’t know any of that when I first stepped foot upon its decks and changed everything … But I know it now. And save the Five Moons? Damned straight I will.
I am Dallas Blake, outworlder to the nines. By the end of the war, I had lost everything: my wife, my daughter, my whole family. The Mercenary Expeditionary Forces under Sarsen Tabbot leveled my home world, so there was no place left for me to return. I was left with no other choice but to start my whole life over.
So I went to the Union Fleet space docks to buy a war surplus scout-class ship. Instead, I unknowingly bought the Tesseract. The ship was nothing I expected, but everything I needed. And you know that crew they thought was lost and gone forever? Well, think again. Now my crew and I fly from world to world, going wherever we are needed. Making a difference starts with us.
If you ask the other intelligent species, they will tell you fast and quick that mankind was cast into the outer darkness because of the evil in our hearts. Just ask Captain Ravi Chandrakar, of the Union Cruiser Star Jammer. I am sure he would agree with that. Especially after that ever-conniving gangster-turned-politician, Al Simmonds, brought the whole region beyond the Seven Pillars back to the brink of war. Captain Chandrakar is still cleaning up that mess.
Unfortunately, Al Simmonds is still out there on Daggan-7, conniving his next fiasco. And as for Sarsen Tabbot? She would tell you herself, ‘It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.’
So, as you can see, I have my work cut out for me. How about you? Can I talk you into putting on your recon armor, grabbing your pulse-rifle, and joining us? Would you like to make a difference? But I do have to warn you: The action never stops for the crew of the Five Moons.
Please enjoy my sample chapters down below.
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Reviewed By Romuald Dzemo for Readers’ Favorite.
“Five Moons: Entangled is a work of great imagination, an intriguing story that is laced with nonstop and heart-pounding action. Readers are immediately introduced to well-sculpted and interesting characters, a solid cast they will love to journey with as they discover new worlds and realities. The pace is fast and the page-turning story is heightened with suspense and dialogue that drive the plot forward. The concept of a universe in danger isn’t uncommon in science fiction, but when such a concept falls into deft hands, it becomes a gripping and entertaining story, and Parker’s hands are skilled. Science fiction fans will easily be drawn to this emerging and powerful voice in the genre. This is one of the rare science fiction books I will recommend to readers looking for something that is well-crafted, engrossingly entertaining, and fast-paced. It will be a thrill to follow the multi-layered, spell-binding conflict carefully executed by a master storyteller.”
- Amazon Kindle eBook
- File Size: 1793 KB
- Print Length: 175 pages
- Publisher: Five Moons Publications; 2 edition (July 8, 2020)
- Publication Date: July 8, 2020
- Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
- Language: English
- Amazon Paperback
- Series: Five Moons (Book 3)
- Paperback: 210 pages
- Publisher: Independently published (July 9, 2020)
- Language: English
- ISBN-13: 979-8665020464
- Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.5 x 9 inches
Sample Chapters
Clay of Earth, know this to the very core of you: yours were the people cast into the outer darkness because of the evil in their hearts.
A gift was made to them of Tesseract, but they were found unworthy.
Clay of Earth, you do not see how entangled in each other’s fates you are. Each life is entangled in all of the others, and now mine is with yours.
Clay of Earth, Leaf in the Wind, you are of them but not like them. We found you full of darkness from your trials at the hands of the most evil, yet in your despair, you became the empty vessel. Into that empty vessel, we poured the light of truth. And so you found beauty in the light of four moons. My soul sings songs of joy in that. You are welcome. And so the next step together we must take.
Leaf in the wind, the gift that once was made to the unworthy was only the first step. Beyond the Tesseract is all that really matters.
— The Fifth Moon —
Chapter One: In the beginning.
In the beginning, there was peace. Dallas Blake was a leaf in the wind, and life was good. That all seemed like a million years ago now. Then war came. The Syndicate’s mercenaries waged a war on the Union like no other, tearing lives asunder, destroying everything in their path, leaving only sadness and chaos in their wake. The mercenary forces under Sarsen Tabbot leveled Dallas’ home world. They killed his wife and daughter. They killed his whole family. And that changed everything.
At first, Dallas was full of pain and anger. That turned into rage, and Dallas took his pound of flesh, but in the end, that left him empty, and sad, and alone. It left a big hole in his heart. Once more, Dallas became the leaf in the wind. He filled that gaping empty hole inside of him with silence. Every day he had to force himself to put one foot in front of the other. He buried himself in his studies so he wouldn’t have time to remember. He refused to allow himself one second of self-pity.
Then came the end of the war and once more that changed everything. Union Fleet no longer needed the millions of veterans that now suddenly found themselves alone on the outside, embroiled in the chaos that ensued. His past swept away, Dallas had no choice but to start over. So he went to the Union Fleet space docks with all good intentions. He intended to start his life over. He intended to buy a war surplus scout-class ship. Instead, he unknowingly bought the Tesseract.
In the beginning, Dallas walked onto the decks of the Tesseract, and that changed everything. But, Dallas was still empty, and sad, and alone. Jessica, his oversexed but highly talented artificial copilot, changed that. Jane, the ship’s motherly android cook, changed that. His good buddy Hack, the maintenance android with an attitude, changed that. And most of all, his beloved Mariah, tough little cookie to the very artificial core of her, changed that. Even the ship itself changed. It took on a new name — the Five Moons.
And all of that was fine until he discovered that Mariah Jane Harrington, Jessica Ann Miller, Jane Marie Schultz, and Henry James Merritt were all listed as the crew of a starship like no other, a starship made with alien timequake technology. They were not listed as artificials at all but as humans, lost in the line of duty. Once more, knowing that changed everything.
That set his mind on fire to uncover the truth. After all, the truth shall set you free — right? Isn’t that what they tell you? Well, they couldn’t have been more wrong! He got the truth alright. Special Forces Admiral Johnson eventually gave him the files. Now, there was a full dose of the truth if he had ever seen one.
Dallas read the Special Forces report of the rescue mission by Captain Michael Jacobi, in total disbelief and disgust. It said that when the rescue craft arrived at the site of the time-space disaster, the ship was so distorted that it was no longer recognizable as the Tesseract, but there was an anoza ship alongside. Captain Jacobi was not at all upset to find that none of the human crew had survived. Oh, really? He was, however, very upset when he found out that the anoza had moved their essence into the artificial intelligence processors onboard the Tesseract just before they died. Now there you go!
Then the anoza summarily informed Jacobi that they intended to ‘restore’ the crew, but he would not hear of that. Oh no! Of course not! Jacobi could not allow the anoza to restore what may have been the only witnesses to what had actually happened. Oh, no. He couldn’t have any witnesses to expose the evil that was done purely as the result of human greed and arrogance. Oh, no. He sure couldn’t have that.
Instead, Captain Jacobi insisted that all of the artificial intelligence processors be shut down. The anoza were outraged, and rightly so! They called him a murderer! They were upset that the humans were about to kill four of their own, stubbornly refusing to listen to them, but what was new about that? The arrogant, self-righteous humans hadn’t listened to anything that the anoza had told them. So, why should this be any different? Jacobi quoted some stupid human laws about desecrating the deceased, but by that point, the anoza had heard enough. They left, never to be seen again.
Ever since he read that file, Dallas was determined that Jacobi’s report would not be the final word. He sat quietly in the mess of the Five Moons eating some of Jane’s finest homemade pickles remembering all of this, calm on the outside. Normally, all of this ran down the back roads of his mind like a distant rumble of thunder, but sometimes, when he least expected, that storm unleashed its fury on him. He took in a deep breath and exhaled the vile rage that storm had dredged up.
I am a leaf in the wind, Dallas thought to himself. Another deep breath returned his mind once more to calm. As Dallas finished his pickles, he chose instead to remember the Five Moons’ first mission to rescue Emma from the mercenaries and Sophie from the growls. That changed everything too.
Across the sector from Dallas, on a world far away, mercenary Sub-Commander Rhianna remembered that mission too but from a totally different point of view. She remembered that it had all started with a running gunfight. Somehow, the Union scum had found the base, and that changed everything. That was the beginning of the end. That forced Santo to move the timetable for his invasion of Panara-5 up to right away. It forced Santo to move his mercenary battle group quickly forward or lose the element of surprise. Santo could no longer wait to develop a line of support. He had to leave this small group of people to that task alone. Santo left Rhianna in charge here because that was her specialty – material support.
And what brought on that running gunfight? A small group of greedy bastards trying to make a pile of gold for hanging on to some little girl named Emma. And what good did that do them? None! That’s how much good it did them. For all of their sneaking and conniving, the damned locals stole all their gold right out from under them! Well, there you go! If that wasn’t bad enough, Santo pitched a fit when he found out and had the lot of them executed. So, there you go! At least Santo got the base fixed back up and secure before he left. He even left Rhianna with two orbital transports, for whatever good they would do her now.
“I think back to the day that we watched them leave,” Rhianna spoke her thoughts out loud to Lucia. “There was no thought of them not coming back. ‘See you soon,’ they said when they left to take Panara-5 from the Union. How long ago was that? A year… maybe more?”
“Almost two,” Lucia corrected her. “But worse, they went quiet on the com.”
“Quiet? Hell! They disappeared altogether.” Rhianna voiced her anger and worst fear. “They abandoned us here! They left us here to rot… forever, without hope.”
“Stop that! There is always hope. We just have to survive; that’s all,” Lucia argued.
“Well, you hit that squarely on the head. That’s all we are left with now – trying to survive.”
“Ishmael hasn’t given up hope. Every day he tries something new,” Lucia told her.
“More like he is trying my patience. The man isn’t good for much,” Rhianna continued to complain.
“What do you mean, ‘isn’t good for much?’ He works hard at whatever tasks you give him,” Lucia reminded Rhianna. She was tired of Rhianna’s incessant bitching and complaining. Besides, Lucia liked Ishmael. He was not your typical arrogant, aggressive Merc man. He was quiet and soft-spoken. He had a gentle face, despite his size. His excellent physical condition was the result of necessity. It came from being forced to defend himself from the likes of the more aggressive Merc men. In fact, Ishmael had quite a reputation from those who had tried, and failed, to beat him.
Kiroc was not at all like Ishmael. He was the typical aggressive, assertive Merc man, but he was not big, nor strong, nor a good fighter, like Ishmael. Kiroc also had a vile temper at times. Today, Kiroc was just plain angry at every damned thing, so he was out hunting. Kiroc hunted growls. He hated them. Kiroc had a long list of everything he hated, but for now, he could hate the growls.
These growls were nasty beasts without a doubt, like mountain lions on steroids. As if one of them alone was not bad enough, they hunted in packs. A pack of hungry growls could rip a man to shreds in minutes, so Kiroc hunted them in a pulse-cannon walker. That was a lot safer than hunting them on foot. The walker was made from alloys and carbon fiber materials tough enough to survive on a battlefield, so even the most ferocious pack of growls was no match for it.
Ferocious was a good description of growls. The beasts were almost unbelievably ferocious. If you killed one and left the carcass, the others would find it and devour it or fight over it amongst themselves. These things were so bad that prides of them lived openly on the grassy plains near the edge of the forest. Sometimes, they hunted prey in the forest, but most of them could be found on the grassy plains where grazing animals could easily be found for a handy snack.
Because he hated these things so, Kiroc had hunted them to extinction for a 100km radius around base camp over the past year or so. The problem was, when you live in growl territory, clearing an area only created a vacuum for more growls to fill… And so they did. In the meantime, in the absence of the growls, everything else flourished. That made it an even more attractive vacuum for growls to fill.
While that had worked in Kiroc’s favor in the past, lately he wasn’t doing so well. He had recently begun to venture beyond his 100km hunt zone to find what few of them were left. Rhianna wasn’t happy at all when he was gone hunting for days, sometimes for weeks on end, but quite frankly, he didn’t give a rat’s ass anymore what she thought. He had two weeks’ food and water. He told her where he was going, so frak her if she didn’t like it. Hunting was his only outlet.
The pulse cannon walker was like wearing an exoskeleton. In it, he could walk or run, and jump. It could crouch down low to hide. It could move very fast or silently very slow. It made Kiroc the big man that he was not. In his mind, it made him the invincible fighter. Kiroc moved on farther out, to a valley he could see in the distance. If there were any growls left, that would be where he would find them.
Ishmael worked all morning on the task list that Rhianna had given him. He was the most technically competent one of the group, so his main task was to keep this whole place running. Every morning, his first task was to check all of the fusion reactors to be sure they were fine and had plenty of fuel. He never told Rhianna that the reactors would run just fine for a hundred years without him ever checking them at all. He never mentioned that the fuel already in them would last even longer. He never told her that the maintenance androids knew exactly how to fix any faults, either. Instead, he used that time for his own purposes. It was his quiet, peaceful time, free from Rhianna’s constant bitching and complaining at him.
Ishmael wandered behind the buildings into one of the orbital transports. He quickly found its quantum-com. Sure, Rhianna had already tried that. Sure, all she got was bad news, but then it got worse. After a while, no one even bothered to answer her calls anymore. That was the pits of despair. Oh, they were out there all right, but the few that were left had abandoned them to their fate. That’s when Rhianna gave up hope for a rescue and became very bitter.
Ishmael refused to give up, but he needed a plan. He sure did not lack for time to think, so that is what he did. He gladly took on all of those useless tasks that Rhianna insisted on listing for him every day. While he went through the motions of those tasks, he was deep in thought. If the Merc forces were as scattered as what he had heard over the com when there was traffic, then there had to be some of them scattered this way, or so he reasoned.
Today he would start looking for them. He just needed to be persistent and not give up. Despite his lack of formal training, Ishmael was quick to learn whatever he needed to. So, for hours he sat, studying the built-in manuals, working the quantum-com, trying to make contact. He learned to program alerts to his personal network node for all of the popular meeting nodes on the Merc network.

Released by Double Dragon Publishing April 12, 2016.
eBook Information:
ISBN-10: 1-77115-297-4
ISBN-13: 9781771152976
Genre: Science Fiction/Dark Fantasy
eBook Length: 168 Pages
Published: April 2016
- Paperback: 182 pages
- Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (April 19, 2016)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1532835485
- ISBN-13: 978-1532835483
- Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.5 x 9 inches
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