Kay Oz

Kay Oz is the future so close you can reach out and touch it.

Kay Oz

Like an alternate reality, this version of GIRL FRIDAY is a whole different story with an AI twist that will have you looking over your shoulder and wondering.

Genre:  Grounded Sci-Fi / Action-Adventure    Format: Feature          Tone:  Edgy

Theme: Adapt, improvise, and overcome.          No.7 Best Seller on Amazon on 8/3/2021

Comps: Minority Report, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Ghost in the Shell, Ex Machina.

Logline: When a rogue government agency executes his wife and drives him into hiding, a work-obsessed engineer teams up with a covert, bleeding-edge leap in AI technology to enact revenge and prevent a coup.

Offering a unique twist on typical artificial intelligence tropes depicting AI as heartless, evil, or “inhuman,” this story will challenge your preconceived notions of what the future holds for humanity and its interface with artificial intelligence. Artificially Intelligent, Kay Oz is the beating heart of this story.

Now a feature-length, action/adventure script channeling science fiction elements grounded in plausible reality with the strong flavor of a John Le Carré spy thriller. Girl Friday is the future so close you can reach out and touch it. Simple VFX and locations, along with creative casting could make Girl Friday easily producible on a reasonable budget.


Dr. Matthew Lockheart (30s): A brilliant engineer. Passion for his work makes him a workaholic. However, he is naïve and fails to see his cheating wife for what she is. He blames himself for her death and is determined to take vengeance upon Derek Sanders and the NSA agents who killed her. Matt and Kay Oz share a common goal of revenge for what Derek Sanders has done to them. As Matt grieves and struggles to turn his genius to become the shadow warrior, he develops a special, loving relationship with Kay Oz. By story’s end, Matthew has turned his life from victim to become a shadow warrior in service to the people.


Kay Oz (20s): Throw away all your preconceived ideas of artificial intelligence. Kay Oz is nothing you expect. Every bit of her is ‘woman’ with her own ideas of who she is and who she wants to be. Struggling to survive Derek Sanders’ attempt to kill her, she finds Matt and comes to love him dearly, but she is not flesh and blood. With a common goal of revenge, they conspire to sabotage Derek Sanders’ invincible Ninja satellites. Kay Oz’s 3-D holographic image appears frequently to give the audience a character they can see to really care about. AKA Kay 0z.


Laurie Jennings (20s): An industrial spy lured in by love, Laurie is caught up in the whirlwind when Matt must rescue her from NSA agents about to kill her. Her human failings only add to the challenges Matt and Kay Oz must overcome. She falls in love with Matt.


Mariah (late 20s): A brilliant young IT student working as an intern for the NSA. She has a good moral compass and the smarts to do the right thing in the worst of circumstances. It takes a little piece of her heart when she has to give Kay Oz up to Matt to keep Derek Sanders from destroying her. It’s like giving up her own child to save her. Mariah affectionately calls Kay Oz her ‘Little Axolotl.’


Derek Sanders(40s): The savvy Director of the NSA with ambitions to take over the whole US government. He is actually a ruthless mob boss obsessed with ruling the world. He believes his state-of-the-art, super-secret Ninja spy satellites make him invincible. He will and has killed to protect his evil secrets.

This is a current work in progress.